Monday, February 25, 2013

Ancient Art

             History and Art goes hand-in-hand so when we watch how historians, archeologist, and artist work together to uncover great mysteries and wonders of the past and rediscover lost and ancient civilizations we can have a greater appreciation for what we have now and what more there is for us to find.
        We as humans learn from one another so when we look at what our predecessors have done in their time. When we look at our books, art work, and statues that were left behind from the previous generations we learn how to recreate things that were made thousands of years ago like for example on how most of the buildings that have to do with government are usually modeled after the buildings that were created during the roman empire which were the columns.
        Art in which were created by different generations of people and some whom that were made for the greatest of great nations and some of which lasted centuries are beneficial to art lover and artist today. There are so many different type of art works out there and each one is different and unique to the ones who created them. Age and war are the true destroyers of beautiful art and structures some of which we are still looking for and only finding remains of what is left there.
       The pyramids which were created by the Egyptians centuries ago still stand today and which are one of the oldest buildings that are still standing today.
Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to write down their history and that was before they came up with the idea of using papyrus to write and use as scrolls for parchments But when they created the pyramids they used in their written language called hieroglyphics to tell stories and other things that they felt should be told.
     The Egyptians are the ones to start the ball rolling for what we and countless other civilizations before us know and they were the best at what they knew and that is art and architecture.
Ancient Egyptian Falcon Art Print"The ancient Egyptian god Horus was a deity with many roles. His image and symbols can be found all through ancient Egyptian art. He is usually represented as a Falcon or a human figure with a Falcon head. In ancient Egypt the Sun and the Moon were regarded as the all seeing eyes of the great falcon god Horus. His right eye being the Sun and his left eye, the Moon."

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What is art? When looking at art and analyzing what you see and registering what you think about the art whether based on your own or opinion or the opinion of others if it is "good" or "bad" ; but that all goes to what are peoples interpretation of what is good or bad.

I fully agree with what Mr. Jerry Saltz say about how people view and criticize art and how people should say what they honestly feel about something they see because in my personal opinion you shouldn't say anything or judge anyone's elses' art unless you sincere about it.  Jerry Saltz says " Art is a way of thinking, a way of knowing yourself." and I find that true because when you view a piece of artwork that you enjoy looking at you can lose yourself in it and then you can see it for what it really is about and what the artist wanted people who view their art to see what they created and the meaning it has.
What Jerry Saltz consider art is what other consider weird or "different" then how us "regulars" view art and in some cases of the masses consider good art is what i have seen on my travels to England and France and what i personally consider that to be classic art, but he says that art like what we are used to seeing in places like the Sistine Chappels  or at the Louve in France make other people view art as if it has to make sense or to be a picture of a person or a place, but in actuality you can make anything and call it art as long as the person who created it had put their all in the creation of it and feel that it is imperfect.

What i think of art is honestly what is see in museums and usually on walls which people refer to as "tagging" because that different people representing what they can do, but the only problem and mos people would agree with me on this is that i would not want my building to be tagged on or inside because depending on where you live it can bring down the value of a house or establishment and for the sake of art for one i dont think it would be worth it but it cant be stopped really because thousands of people do it young and old  and i dont think that will change i even if it becomes a law.

Art means something different to everyone for some people it it a way o get away from whatever troubles they maybe facing or a way to make money or even just to entertain and in most cases it is usually all three but depending on how someone views your art and your skill will only some make an actual profit from this.

 Christian Marche
"The Silver Sculpture"
August 13,2011